Folding Chairs

White Folding Samsonite Chair

Black Folding Samsonite Chair

Burgundy Folding Samsonite Chair
The ubiquitous Samsonite folding chair. There are many reasons why this is the best-selling chair in the world. Sleek, sturdy, and highly compact when folded these chairs are the first choice of hire companies worldwide. Our white Samsonite above is often used as a budget wedding chair. To our knowledge, we are the only company in Cork currently stocking the white Samsonite.

Wedding Chairs

Lime-washed Chiavari
with Ivory Pad

Lime-washed Chiavari
with Blue Pad

Lime-washed Chiavari
with Burgundy Pad

White Resin Wedding Chair
Both the lime-washed (above), and gold-framed (below) Chiavari chairs come with a choice of ivory, blue, or burgundy seat pad colours.
Wedding/Banqueting Chairs

Red Banqueting Chair

Aluminium Chair

Bar Stool

Gold-framed Chiavari chair with ivory pad

Gold-framed Chiavari chair with blue pad

Gold-framed Chiavari chair with burgundy pad